August 1998

September 1998

October 1998

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Day Moonage Phenomenon (JST)
1 Tue 10.0 Nihyaku-toka
2 Wed 11.0 01:16 Moon is at south most(Decl.:-18o57'.2)
23:06 Lambda-Tau is at minimum brightness
3 Thu 12.0 U-Ari is at maximum brightness (Mag:Period 371 days, 7.5-15.5)
18:27 Delta-Lib is at minimum brightness
18:51 Moon passes 02o27'.5 north of Neptune
4 Fri 13.0 12:22 Moon passes 02o41'.4 north of Uranus
22:00 Beta-Lyr is at minimum brightness
5 Sat 14.0 R-LMi is at maximum brightness (Mag:Period 372 days, 6.3-13.2)
6 Sun 15.0 20:21 Full Moon(Penumbra lunar eclipse)
7 Mon 16.0 13:13 Mon passes 00o31'.1 south of Jupiter(Occultation in South America)
15:08 Moon is closest to Asteroid Pallas (03o27'.3)
8 Tue 17.0 05:16 Longitude of the sun reaches 165 degrees
10:22 Moon passes equator, to northern hemisphere
15h Moon is nearest to the Earth (361,369km,Dia.:33'04".4)
9 Wed 18.0 U-Cyg is at maximum brightness (Mag:Period 463 days, 5.9-12.1)
10 Thu 19.0 R-Cet is at maximum brightness (Mag:Period 166 days, 7.2-14.3)
03:10 Moon passes 02o02'.5 south of Saturn
11 Fri 20.0 RS-Vir is at maximum brightness (Mag:Period 354 days, 7.0-14.6)
09:03 Mercury passes 00o21'.3 north of Venus
13:07 Venus is closest to Mercury (00o20'.6)
12 Sat 21.0 R-CMi is at maximum brightness (Mag:Period 338 days, 7.2-11.6)
(Occultation of Ceres in Canada)
13 Sun 22.0 10:58 Last quarter moon
14 Mon 23.0 17:27 Mon is at north most(Decl.:+18o58'.6)
15 Tue 24.0 National holiday in Japan (Keiro no hi)
R-Vul is at maximum brightness (Mag:Period 137 days, 7.0-14.3)
16 Wed 25.0 02h Jupiter is nearest to the Earth(3.96289AU, 593,000,000km)
02:08 Algol is at minimum brightness
10:31 Moon is closest to Asteroid Vesta (02o28'.5)
13h Heliocentric latitude of Mercury is most at north
13:11 Asteroid Pallas is at opposition(Mag:8.2)
14h Earth passes in front of Sun in Pallas
17 Thu 26.0 R-Sgr is at maximum brightness (Mag:Period 269 days, 6.7-12.8)
02:36 Jupiter is at opposition(Mag:-2.9,Dia.:49".7)
20:32 Beta-Lyr is at minimum brightness
21:29 Moon passes 02o29'.9 south of Mars
18 Fri 27.0 22:57 Algol is at minimum brightness
19 Sat 28.0
20 Sun 29.0 Higan no iri
03:20 Moon passes 00o04'.6 south of Venus(Occultation in South America)
15:35 Moon passes 00o07'.9 north of Mercury(Occultation in Southeast Asia)
21 Mon 0.4 R-Peg is at maximum brightness (Mag:Period 378 days, 6.9-13.8)
02:01 New Moon
19:46 Algol is at minimum brightness
21:05 Moon passes equator, to southern hemisphere
22 Tue 1.4 22:38 Jupiter is closest to Asteroid Pallas (01o03'.1)
23 Wed 2.4 National holiday in Japan (Syubun no hi)
03:57 Moon is closest to Asteroid Juno (02o23'.7)
14:37 Longitude of the sun reaches 180 degrees
24 Thu 3.4 RS-Lib is at maximum brightness (Mag:Period 217 days, 7.0-13.0)
07h Moon is farthest from the Earth (406,173km,Dia.:29'25".2)
25 Fri 4.4 10:22 Mercury is at exferrior conjunction(01o36'.2,Mag:-1.6,Dia.:4".8 north of Sun)
26 Sat 5.4 08:48 Mercury is closest to Sun (01o24'.3)
21:50 Moon passes 06o34'.9 south of Pluto
27 Sun 6.4 14h Comet 88P/Howell passses perihelion(Period 5.6 years)
28 Mon 7.4 S-CrB is at maximum brightness (Mag:Period 360 days, 5.8-14.1)
X-Oph is at maximum brightness (Mag:Period 328 days, 5.9-9.2)
29 Tue 8.4 06:11 First quarter moon
16h Heliocentric latitude of Venus is most at north
09:40 Moon is at south most(Decl.:-19o03'.1)
30 Wed 9.4 19:04 Beta-Lyr is at minimum brightness

Special Thanks to Shirakawa Astronomical Observatory

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